Foresthill booking and information

Booking and price setting.

To make a booking at B&B Foresthill you can choose two options:

  • Via
  • Or direct booking with us (discount 10% excl breakfast) by paying an advance of one night at our account. We gladly give you more details by mail or phone +66-98-329-7620
  • We accept only cash in Thai Bath on arrival or by  bank transfer.

 Check in time between 2 pm and 7 pm. After 7 pm in the evening the reception is closed.

The price of a cabin is based on a two-person occupation. The big (elephant) cabine goes for 2.600 Bath a night. Extra sofa bed (max 2) pays 500 Bath extra.

The price of the smaller (Tiger) cabine is 2.200 Bath a night. The extra sofa bed is the same.

All of the above prices do not include breakfast. We offer this separately to suit our  guests preferences and fit with their activity plan of the day such as an  early trip (to the park, cycling or a marathon). Breakfast kitchen is open between 8 and 10 am. Afterwards you can still order a brunch..

Please order breakfast upon check-in time or before 5 pm for next breakfast.

Our popular breakfast is the American Breakfast. It consist of;

  • fresh made coffee, tea, fruit juice and milk
  • home baked bread and/or toast bread.
  • butter, two types of marmalade
  • the warm meal consists of eggs, sausage, bacon, hash browns,  vegetables such as oven-baked tomatoes, beans, etc.…
  • fresh fruit of the season.

The set price is 250 bath per adult person. Children pay 150 per child.


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